Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I just had to share something hilarious. We have been trying to potty-train Christian, who just turned 2 in March, for about a month or so now. During this "training stage," his interest and success can fluctuate from high to almost non-existent in a matter of a couple days.

There are days where he is obsessed with sitting on "the pot", and it seems he rarely wants to even leave the bathroom. On the contrary, Christian has had just as many days were I know that he needs to go. On these occasions, he will vehemently resist any attempts at getting him close to "the pot," then, only moments later, I find he has just done his business.

Anyway, I guess today Christian was in a different kind of mood. He decided to "change his own diaper." I was sitting at the computer desk when, out of the corner of my eye, he walked into the living room, took off his pull-up, went to the side of the couch (where I keep the bag of fresh pull-ups), took out a new pull-up and proceeded to put it on (backwards). Then, without paying a bit of attention to me, he walked right back upstairs to resume his activity.

I sat there kind of surprised, but much more amused than anything, and just took in the moment. I walked over to the abandoned pull-up which was not only wet but warm as well. What had transpired was certainly cute, but as I reflected on what I had just witnessed, it left me with more questions than answers, one of which was: why would he go through all of the trouble to come downstairs and change his own pants when he obviously thought it was too much trouble to stop what he was doing in the first place?

Babies are so funny, but I know I wouldn't have been so amused if there was a "#2" involved! Toddlers are so much more intelligent than we sometimes give them credit for. I personally think that any toddler who is capable of changing their own diaper is certainly capable of being potty-trained while they are awake!


Anonymous said...

Potty training is quite an experience, too bad it seems to come down to when they are just ready to accept the potty over the pull-up.

Mandy said...

I have to agree. My daughter turned two in November and there are days when she wants to sit on the potty and others when I can't get her to go near it. (Whoever said girls are easier needs to meet my little one). I guess she'll go when she's ready but right now it seems aways off. I'm hoping when our life is back to normal and daddy is finally home we can all breath and go, hopfully with the flow, LOL. (Hang in there, I tried to start my son off sitting and he was having a hard time. But within a week of teaching him to stand and aim he was going like a pro)

david santos said...

Very nice... my friend, very nice...
Happy day