As many of you know my sister, Rebecca, is just beginning her journey as a Christ-follower. As I disciple her (what a tremendous honor!), I have been trying to convey some basic spiritual truths to her as simply as possible without "overloading" her. I point out whenever possible, how the Holy Spirit is working in her life, and have encouraged her to become aware of His presence.
We were talking last night, and she told me such an encouraging story of something that happened to her Tuesday. I don't think she would mind me sharing this. Her husband just started working 3rd shift, and it has been a difficult adjustment for her to be alone in an empty house at night. While she was laying in bed feeling lonely and a little fearful (she lives kind of back in a remote and wooded area), she began to pray and cry. ( She told me she cries a lot while she is praying.)
Her prayer was something like this, "God I know that you are with me, and I know you are keeping me safe. I know you can get these thoughts and this fear out of my head." She told me she tried to envision herself peacefully sleeping in the palms of His hands. All of the sudden Rebecca heard two beeps, which she thought may be a household appliance. Her attention was diverted from her prayer as she began to wonder what had made that noise that she didn't quite recognize. Then what she described as a calm came over her, and rested upon her. I am quite sure that this calm she experienced was the "peace" that Paul was referring to in his letter to the Philippians:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
God is so awesome! What is the lesson to be learned?....especially for those of us who have been following Christ a little bit longer! He WILL manifest himself in our situations if we will come to Him with such SIMPLE faith, boldness, and expectancy and He WILL meet us right where we are if we just acknowledge Him FROM OUR HEARTS.
I could almost guarantee you right now that not only would Rebecca be unable to recite that scripture, but she's probably never read it or even heard it, but now that she has experienced God in that area, that scripture will become much more than just a memory verse to her!
One last thing, I wanted to share which was just precious. As I was getting off the phone with her, I told her that Chad was preaching on the Holy Spirit this weekend, and it was going to be some really good stuff. Rebecca then said, "Oh yeah, I've got that now! I'll be there!" The that which she was referring to was, of course, the Holy Spirit. I just smiled , and confirmed to her that she most certainly did have Holy Spirit now. God is so awesome!
Watching a family member grow in Christ is so fulfilling to me! I know you are thrilled going through this with her. The baptism is so very important, but the genuine growth that comes with that is so very important for them and then for us who lead them there. Congratulations to your family! I know you are rejoicing from the inside out!
Thanks for sharing the wonderful things God is doing!
Blessings to you - a fellow Christ follower! : )
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