Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Coincidence?...Not with God!

Have you ever given much thought about occurrences in your life that seem to be merely coincidental? I had not really pondered it much until I became a believer. Then for some reason instances of "coincidence" just started popping up all over the place, which I noticed most especially as I concerned myself, more and more, with the things of God.

The reason it came to mind today lies within what happened during my devotional time early this morning. I have to admit that I tend to skip around in my Bible almost on a daily basis. Usually, when I begin my studies, I have a certain scripture or story of interest that is on my heart, so I just try to find it and go wherever that takes me. I got up this morning and, as usual, headed downstairs to the kitchen- straight for the coffee pot :). I was planning on reading from Mark, but I guess God had other plans, even if it was nothing more than to show me that He is, indeed, the "God of Coincidence."

It just so happened that I noticed that Chad, who was already engulfed in his devotional time, was using my primary Bible, the NIV Study Version (because he left his at work.) No big deal, I went for another favorite, the NIV "One Year" Bible, which has daily scriptures for each day of the year (one passage from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, one from the Psalms, and one from Proverbs). Because of the way that particular Bible is broken up, out of the standard order, I usually just go to the current day. When I got to the New Testament reading assigned for October 24, amazingly it was 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17.

Was it a coincidence that Chad made a post on his blog on part of that very scripture just yesterday!?! I don't think so. Not only that, but when I looked across the kitchen table with my eyebrows a little raised and told him, apparently the Lord had led him back to that very scripture in my Bible, this morning before I was even awake. (Which, by the way led to great discussion in and of itself of the content of that scripture from 2 Timothy.)

Anyway, there have been dozens, if not hundreds of times, that I have read a scripture or heard a sermon that didn't seem as pertinent to my life or my circumstances until say maybe an hour afterwards :) or even later that day or week. Or what about all of the times that I will be studying a certain passage of scripture in my private devotional time where I have some questions and a short time later, I just so happen to turn on the radio and hear a sermon or discussion on my exact question.

I could probably recall and retell many stories of these "so called" coincidences if I had the time, but I don't. After I learned a little bit about the ways of God, I had to throw away all former beliefs that were, in any way, related to fate, chance, fortune, luck, and coincidence! I just think it is beyond amazing to think about the way our, omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful) and omnipresent (present everywhere) God carefully orchestrates even the minor details in our lives, especially as we seek Him. I just love it when God shows how BIG He really is!


Joe Rollins said...

I find that this is very true for me as well. There have been many times that things have seemed like a coincidence and then it gets me thinking it may be God trying to show me something. Great point and good job on the blog! Welcome to the blogging world!