Monday, November 17, 2008

Faith or Fear?

Faith attracts things from the Kingdom of God. I think that a simple look at the life and ministry of Jesus practically illustrates this principle perfectly. I believe this is a spiritual law, because faith attracts things like peace, joy, healing, hope, contentment and salvation.

In contrast, I believe that this principle flipped on it's head holds true as well. The opposite of faith is fear and the opposite of the Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of Darkness. Fear does, in fact, attract things from the Kingdom of Darkness. Think about it; fear is basically a magnet for things like confusion, sorrow, frustration, despair and destruction.

Your thoughts, your words, and even your countenance may be evidence of what Kingdom you are attracting to your immediate surroundings. A careful examination of them may best enable you to answer this all important question: Are you walking in faith or in fear?