Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Lights

It's been a while since my last post. I have to admit that my lack of posts lately have not been because I have been busier than usual with the Holidays. I just haven't had much laid on my heart to share.

We haven't done a whole lot of decorating this year for a couple of reasons.

1. We have to keep our house as uncluttered and appealing as possible for any showings. (Keep in mind that it's not like the square footage of our current house makes it easy to have a spacious, uncluttered "feel" with a family of six living in it in the first place.)

2. Even if it weren't for the possible showings, trying to find the decorations in our garage might prove to be challenging, if not impossible. (Chad's house in Falmouth was quite a bit larger than our house in Louisville, and we practically moved the majority of the contents of Chad's whole house into the garage.)

We do have a small tree, though. I guess it just makes us appreciate others' decorations even more. That being said, my sister sent the link to this video, and I thought it was incredible. Enjoy!


Courtney said...

Can you imagine their electric bill????

Sandi said...

You and Chad keeping the house up, trying to sell it, working, cleaning, cooking, keeping up with 4 kids, being newly weds, still getting to know each other, etc. etc. is being done BY THE GRACE OF GOD, HIS STRENGTH, FAITH AND COURAGE.

Be grateful to/for one another,

"ask yourself, HOW IMPORTANT IS IT", (to stress out about it)


You and Chad will get through the tough times; which this is a very tough time selling the house and not being able to find anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep the sense of humor, laugh and keep a diary &/or God box..........
date, and write the problem, go back later to read these problems and see how Faithful God is to get you through "the battle of the moment." and DO NOT TRY TO BE PERFECT.............AND REMEMBER WHAT KIM SAID ABOUT ELECTRIC BILL, YOU WILL BE SAVING ON "YOUR" ELECTRIC BILL.