Monday, November 12, 2007

Save Me From Myself

I just finished this book. It's called Save Me From Myself. It's the story of Brian "Head" Welch, the ex-guitarist from the band Korn. I know he looks a little scary, but you should hear how God rescued him from the deep dark pit he was trapped in! Although he and I didn't fight all of the same "demons," I could relate to his story on so many different levels! It is an awesome testimony to the transforming power of God.

Check out these interviews with and with


Rebecca Jo said...

WOW! I just read the short entry through the link! I LOVE a good book & this sounds AWESOME! Its going to be amazing how God uses him to touch so many young people who followed him through Korn & are looking for so much more! Ricky, being the rocker he is, is going to love to read this book also!

And the picture of the dove when he was BAPTIZED - WOW!!!!! Could it be any cooler?

Amy said...

Do you have this book? I'd love to borrow it to read it if you do and if you'd not mind.

Jennifer said...

Chad & I borrowed the book from someone at church. If you find me at church on Sunday, I can tell you who you need to ask after Chad's done with it :) I doubt this person would mind, but I just don't want to put words in anyone's mouth since it doesn't belong to me :)

Amy said...

ok, I will try to remember to get with you Sunday. I'd love to read it.