Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Misery Loves Company- Satan Wants You!

One of my new friends sent this to me. Is it true or what- especially the part where misery loves company! Sometimes I have wondered if Satan was so deceived when he rebelled against God in Heaven that he actually thought he could win???? I guess so, I don't know of any other logical explanation.

I also heard that the reason that Satan and his demons are so bent on deceiving the souls of humans and leading them to hell is because we are made in God's image. They hate God, and I guess they realize that that is the best way to get back at God- to try and destroy the eternal fate of as many human beings as possible. People are the pinnacle of His creation, the very creatures whom He loves so much that He would send His very own son, Jesus, to die for- simply so He can have eternal relationships with them.

And it's not like God doesn't have control over everything. In His infinite wisdom, God decided to use Satan and the demons as his pawns (in my humble opinion) to find out who is worthy to receive eternal rewards with their Maker in Heaven. God just wants to see which persons are going to stand up and recognize the Truth and reciprocate His extravagant love for them.

Any thoughts on the subject? Please comment :)


Lynn said...

Received the same comic from someone... gotta love Maxine!

What is so amazing is the fact that there are those that Satan has deceived into thinking that they don't need God either! Now that is misery loving it's company!

This is exactly why the church is so important...being plugged into God is the only thing that keeps us from falling for the lie!

Rebecca Jo said...

I love your thoughts that God is actually "using" Satan as His tool - Interesting!

I just cant imagine this 'being' that has seen the face of God, has seen His power - can actually despise him so much! That's amazing to me! How many dont believe because they haven't "seen"? Satan had a first row seat - & then chose to hate God & set out to hurt His creations. What a jerk :-)