Friday, November 9, 2007

Debt Free

OK, another disclaimer ***I am not an expert in the field of bankruptcy law*** Now, that we have that cleared up, I'll share an analogy with you!

I want to compare and contrast filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Jesus's death on the Cross.

Before the laws became a lot stricter in 2005, I witnessed people get in way over their heads, incurring huge debts, buying houses and cars they could never afford, maxing out credit cards on unnecessary luxuries, and living the high life. Pretty soon the party came to an end. Creditors were calling constantly, bill collectors were knocking at the door. Someone had to pay for the debts, the overindulgence, the irresponsible behavior. But who? The money was already spent. The houses and cars and clothes had already been used and even flaunted and abused. The creditors could repossess some things, but that wasn't enough to foot the bill. The individuals who incurred the debts knew deep down from the beginning that they couldn't afford such a lifestyle. So what did they do- they filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Essentially, the debt was forgiven, without much consequence.

Does that sound familiar to you? Jesus paid the price for all of our debts, as our living sacrifice, by taking it to the cross. Just like Chapter 7 bankruptcy (before 2005), it doesn't really make much sense. It seems too good to be true. But the ways of Jesus are far more awesome than filing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy may forgive you of your debts, but it leaves a mark on your credit. God's forgiveness says he will wipe our slates clean. It says in Jeremiah 31:34, ..."For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." It also says in Psalms 103:12, far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Another note. It is not so easy to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy anymore, because laws were passed to protect creditors from the types of abuse that I just described. Someday, there may not be the option to file bankruptcy. We live in a country were the government is willing to "cover our rears" a lot. Some people in other countries don't have that option. As I thought about that a couple of scriptures came to mind. Isaiah 55:6 says, Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Genesis 6:3 states, Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal...".

The Bad News:
We are sinners, and it is our sins that keep us from ever being good enough to get to heaven when we die and enjoy eternal life in the presence of God.

The Great News:
Jesus paid the price for our sins, and if we put our faith in Him and follow Him, we are forgiven, and assured of our place in heaven!

Jesus cut up all of my "credit cards"!!!!

YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! I"M DEBT FREEEEEEEEE!!! (I stole that from Dave Ramsey!)